
Incentives and Programs

Registry of incentives and programs for Foreign Direct Investment

Incentivos y Programas

Programs: 18

Program Name
Managing Entity
CORFO – Corporación de Fomento de la Producción
Support Line
General Description
Program that supports technological and innovative entrepreneurs whose goal is to achieve the internalization of their venture. The program seeks to facilitate access to one of the most powerful innovation ecosystems in the world, such as Boston, Massachusetts, promoting national ventures to generate collaborations with key actors to improve their product, service, business model and/or scale internationally.

Program Name
Programa de Difusión Tecnológica
Managing Entity
CORFO – Corporación de Fomento de la Producción
Support Line
General Description
Program focused on improving access to knowledge, technologies and best practices "prospected" for a group of companies, preferably SMEs, through dissemination and technology transfer activities that add value to the productive performance and competitiveness of companies.

Program Name
Súmate a innovar
Managing Entity
CORFO – Corporación de Fomento de la Producción
Support Line
General Description
Its purpose is to promote innovation in companies as a means of solving their problems and challenges through links with collaborating entities. It seeks to increase the development of innovative solutions to productivity and/or competitiveness challenges for companies in Chile.

Program Name
Consolida y expande Innovación
Managing Entity
CORFO – Corporación de Fomento de la Producción
Support Line
General Description
Its purpose is to support the national and/or international scaling of a marketable technological product at a commercial and/or industrial level, and the validation and packaging of the same to be traded in the destination markets indicated by the applicant.

Program Name
Crece y valida I+D+i
Managing Entity
CORFO – Corporación de Fomento de la Producción
Support Line
General Description
The Grow and Validate R+D+i program seeks to support the development of new or improved technology-based products, processes and/or services, from prototypes, to their technical validation on an industrial and commercial scale that solve problems and/or challenges in the productive sector or address a market opportunity, through Research and Development (R+D+i).

Program Name
Programa de Fomento a la Calidad
Managing Entity
CORFO – Corporación de Fomento de la Producción
Support Line
General Description
Program to help improve the productivity and competitiveness of companies, through an incentive for the implementation and certification of technical standards for management systems and products or protocols recognized by Corfo as enabling access to new markets.

Program Name
Innova Alta Tecnología. Foco Sostenibilidad
Managing Entity
CORFO – Corporación de Fomento de la Producción
Support Line
General Description
Program that seeks to support R+D+i Research, development and innovation projects with high technological risk so that they scale globally by promoting projects within the framework of the generation of productive technologies and technological capacities under the framework of action of the Sustainable Development Goals and Targets SDG numbers 6, 7 and 9.

Program Name
Innova Región
Managing Entity
CORFO – Corporación de Fomento de la Producción
Support Line
General Description
The program supports the development of new or improved products, processes and/or services, from prototypes to commercial validation, that contribute to the regional economy.

Program Name
Programa Regional de Apoyo al Emprendimiento
Managing Entity
CORFO – Corporación de Fomento de la Producción
Support Line
General Description
It is a program that supports entrepreneurs in the development of their business projects with high growth potential, with the capacity to start their operation at a regional level and designed to reach the national and international market. Co-financing is provided to develop activities for the validation, creation and start-up of their ventures.

Program Name
Red de Mercados
Managing Entity
CORFO – Corporación de Fomento de la Producción
Support Line
General Description
Program designed to apply in conjunction with other companies, in order to improve the competitiveness of services or products. The program also provides support with expert advice to improve management and production processes, providing the knowledge and requirements to adapt the offer and implement marketing processes to and in the target markets.

Program Name
Managing Entity
CORFO – Corporación de Fomento de la Producción
Support Line
General Description
This line of financing supports the acceleration of technology businesses and is focused on entrepreneurs who already have a minimum validated prototype and have less than 3 years of development. It is a 4-month learning experience, unique in the technological entrepreneurship ecosystem, where you will be able to develop a business from Chile to the world.

Program Name
Desarrolla Inversión: Inversión Productiva
Managing Entity
CORFO – Corporación de Fomento de la Producción
Support Line
Networks and territory
General Description
Desarrolla Inversión is a program that supports the materialization of productive investment projects with the potential to generate positive externalities, through the granting of co-financing for the acquisition of fixed assets, the provision of productive infrastructure and working capital. A productive investment project will be understood as initiatives that develop a substantial expansion and/or propose an offer of new products or services with respect to the current ones.

Program Name
FIT For Partnership
Managing Entity
CORFO – Corporación de Fomento de la Producción
Support Line
Networks and territory
General Description
The German Ministry of Economy and Energy and MINECON, coordinated by GIZ and CORFO, invite PyMEs managers to participate in a training and business generation program with Germany. For 9 months, with approx. 200 hours dedicated to online training by German training centers, they learn how to generate business with German PyMEs.

Program Name
Garantías Corfo Comercio Exterior
Managing Entity
CORFO – Corporación de Fomento de la Producción
Support Line
Investment and Financing
General Description
COBEX allows support for loans that finance investment or working capital needs for exporting companies or companies related to foreign trade that may request financing (it can be in Chilean pesos, UF, euros or dollars), foreign exchange derivatives operations and investment projects in indigenous lands.

Program Name
Capital de Riesgo
Managing Entity
CORFO – Corporación de Fomento de la Producción
Support Line
Investment and Financing
General Description
These programs provide financing to Private Investment Funds, through Lines of Credit, managed by a Fund Administrator, which, in turn, invest in the capital of small and medium-sized enterprises, taking a stake in their ownership and actively involving themselves in their management.

Program Name
Ley de Incentivo tributario a la I+D
Managing Entity
CORFO – Corporación de Fomento de la Producción
Support Line
General Description
The Research and Development Law (R+D) aims to contribute to improving the competitive capacity of Chilean companies, by establishing a tax incentive for investment in R+D, allowing them to reduce the first category tax by up to 52.55% of the resources allocated to research and development activities. Companies will be able to access this tax incentive once Corfo certifies the R+D activities, previously.

Program Name
Programa de Apoyo a la Reactivación
Managing Entity
CORFO – Corporación de Fomento de la Producción
Support Line
General Description
The Reactivation Support Program seeks to empower a group of between five and fifteen companies and/or entrepreneurs in a given locality or economic sector, so that they can improve their productive competence and management, developing technical assistance plans, training and co-financing productive investment

Program Name
Retos de Innnovación
Managing Entity
CORFO – Corporación de Fomento de la Producción
Support Line
General Description
Programme for innovative, technology-based solutions that respond to a challenge of public interest that affects a group of companies belonging to a productive sector and/or value chain. This call co-finances activities for technical and commercial validation, feasibility studies, protection strategy, and strengthening of the scaling and commercialization strategy, among others.

Programs: 3

Program Name
Programa Franquicia Tributaria
Managing Entity
SENCE - Servicio Nacional de Capacitación y Empleo
Support Line
Tax Incentive
General Description
The Tax Exemption is a tax incentive granted to first-class taxpayer companies.

Program Name
Programa Subsidio al Empleo (APRENDICES Y EXPERIENCIA MAYOR)
Managing Entity
SENCE - Servicio Nacional de Capacitación y Empleo
Support Line
Employment Subsidy and hiring
General Description
Cash benefit provided by the State to improve the income, hiring and job placement of a group of beneficiaries differentiated by gender, age range and work experience.

Program Name
Programa Subsidio al Empleo (JOVEN Y MUJER)
Managing Entity
SENCE - Servicio Nacional de Capacitación y Empleo
Support Line
Employment Subsidy and hiring
General Description
Cash benefit provided by the State to improve the income, hiring and job placement of a group of beneficiaries differentiated by gender, age range and work experience.

Programs: 2

Program Name
Servicios de captación y llegada
Managing Entity
INVESTCHILE - Agencia de Promoción de la Inversión Extranjera de Chile
Support Line
Development of capabilities to innovate
General Description
InvestChile offers a service that provides information and support to investors and potential investors, with the purpose of improving the conditions of access and financing for companies that develop an investment project or require working capital.

Program Name
Servicios de Reinversión
Managing Entity
INVESTCHILE - Agencia de Promoción de la Inversión Extranjera de Chile
Support Line
Development of capabilities to innovate
General Description
InvestChile offers a service that provides information and support to investors and potential investors, with the purpose of improving the conditions of access and financing for companies that develop an investment project or require working capital.

Programs: 3

Program Name
Managing Entity
AINID - Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo
Support Line
Scientific development
General Description
Promote new businesses or companies based on research carried out in Chilean universities, where they participate in an associated manner.

Program Name
Programa Fondo de Fomento al Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico / FONDEF (IDEA)
Managing Entity
AINID - Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo
Support Line
Scientific development
General Description
Its purpose is to contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the national economy and improving the quality of life of Chileans.

Program Name
Programa de Equipamiento Científico y Tecnológico / FONDEQUIP
Managing Entity
AINID - Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo
Support Line
Access to scientific and technological equipment
General Description
The Scientific and Technological Equipment Contest seeks to stimulate and promote the development of research in the country, supporting the scientific community through access to scientific and technological equipment.

Programs: 1

Program Name
Reactivación Económica de las MIPYMES de la Región de La Araucanía
Managing Entity
Desarrolla Araucanía - Corporación Regional de Desarrollo Productivo de La Araucanía.
Support Line
Economic Development and Promotion
General Description
Competitive fund of the Regional Government of La Araucanía, implemented by the Regional Corporation for Productive Development Develops Araucanía, which seeks to support and promote business projects in the region, generating positive externalities related to the increase in hiring, improvement of sales and recovery of employment in the region compared to the previous period, through the co-financing of 50% in the investment plans in equipment and infrastructure.

Programs: 2

Program Name
Emprendedores (Buscar Inversión) Business Angel
Managing Entity
Angeles Inversores
Support Line
General Description
Angel Investment, seeks through the support of Entrepreneurs to connect ideas with investors (Investor search), a business angel is an individual (natural or legal person) who contributes money, experience, contacts or a combination of these factors to entrepreneurs with new business initiatives, in order to obtain a future profit.

Program Name
Inversionistas (Buscar Proyectos/Ideas)
Managing Entity
Angeles Inversores
Support Line
Investment and Profitability
General Description
Angel Investment, seeks through investment associated with ideas or projects in different stages, to support Entrepreneurs (1,845,695 members in all investment networks), to connect their ideas with investors, a business angel is an individual (natural or legal person) who invests in money, experience, contacts or a combination of these factors in ideas of new and/or business initiatives, in order to make a future profit.

Programs: 4

Program Name
Managing Entity
SERCOTEC - Servicio de Cooperación Técnica
Support Line
Strengthen and Grow (SERCOTEC Strengthening)
General Description
It is a non-reimbursable subsidy that allows the beneficiary companies to formulate and implement a work plan, which may include business management actions, which allow them to develop competencies and capacities, and investments, which allow them to enhance their growth, consolidation and/or access to new businesses.

Program Name
Capital Abeja Emprende
Managing Entity
SERCOTEC - Servicio de Cooperación Técnica
Support Line
Getting started (Initial SERCOTEC)
General Description
It is a Sercotec competitive fund that supports the start-up of new businesses with the opportunity to participate in the market, led by women entrepreneurs.

Program Name
Capital Semilla
Managing Entity
SERCOTEC - Servicio de Cooperación Técnica
Support Line
Getting started (Initial SERCOTEC)
General Description
It is a Sercotec competitive fund that supports the start-up of new businesses with the opportunity to participate in the market. Co-finance a work plan aimed at implementing a business project. It includes business management actions (training, technical assistance and marketing actions) and investments in goods necessary to meet the objective.

Program Name
Portal de Capacitación SERCOTEC
Managing Entity
SERCOTEC - Servicio de Cooperación Técnica
Support Line
General Description
In the Sercotec Training Portal you can access free online courses, in order to increase the skills of entrepreneurs, micro and small entrepreneurs, to start their business, improve management and achieve optimal results.

Programs: 11

Program Name
ProChile a tu medida
Managing Entity
PROCHILE - Dirección de Promoción de Exportaciones
Support Line
Tools – Build/Growth
General Description
A program that improves the competitiveness of the productive sector by strengthening and accelerating the participation, specifically, of small and medium-sized exporting enterprises in the international market.

Program Name
Centro Digital de Conocimiento
Managing Entity
PROCHILE - Dirección de Promoción de Exportaciones
Support Line
Tools – Build/Growth
General Description
The Digital Knowledge Center (CDC) is a platform developed by ProChile that delivers global strategic information through various digital content. In this way, it provides valuable information for the development of internationalization strategies and decision-making by companies in the country.

Program Name
Managing Entity
PROCHILE - Dirección de Promoción de Exportaciones
Support Line
General Description
A tool that promotes exports of national goods and services, through co-financing and support in the management of different export promotion projects. It is aimed especially at Small and Medium Exporting Enterprises (PYMEX). Currently, ProChile tender funds are aimed at four sectors: Forestry, Agriculture, Services, Creative Industries and Manufacturing Industry.

Program Name
Managing Entity
PROCHILE - Dirección de Promoción de Exportaciones
Support Line
General Description
ProChile has several agreements with ministries, organizations and companies at the national and international level, with the aim of strengthening the competencies and capacities of companies in the country, especially in export and global competitiveness issues.

Program Name
Managing Entity
PROCHILE - Dirección de Promoción de Exportaciones
Support Line
Tools – Build/Growth
General Description
This program consists of a set of tools and benefits that facilitate the international sale of goods, services and content in digital commerce for Chilean exporting companies with export potential and export potential.

Program Name
Enexpro Encuentro exportador
Managing Entity
PROCHILE - Dirección de Promoción de Exportaciones
Support Line
Tools – Build/Growth
General Description
The ENEXPRO Exporter Meetings are business roundtables segmented according to the different productive sectors of the country, organized by ProChile to generate business contacts between exporters and importers from all over the world. The participating companies represent the best of Chile's exportable offer and have the accompaniment, management and support of ProChile's national network and its more than 50 commercial offices around the world.

Program Name
Formación exportadora
Managing Entity
PROCHILE - Dirección de Promoción de Exportaciones
Support Line
Tools - Starts
General Description
Training that develops and enhances skills in international trade management, through different tools, depending on the stage of development of the company, such as: workshops, training cycles, courses, mentoring, immersion and export coaching.

Program Name
Ferias Internacionales
Managing Entity
PROCHILE - Dirección de Promoción de Exportaciones
Support Line
Tools – Build/Growth
General Description
Events that allow the presentation of the exportable offer of national products and services (Chile Pavilion), promoting interaction and meetings between Chilean exporting companies and international buyers. An invitation designed and addressed to Chilean exporting companies or companies with export potential.

Program Name
Global X
Managing Entity
PROCHILE - Dirección de Promoción de Exportaciones
Support Line
Tools – Build/Growth
General Description
With the aim of accelerating the expansion process of innovative Chilean companies to the European market, ProChile, in collaboration with Corfo, creates a service platform designed to boost Chile's technological and high value-added export offer and enhance market diversification for these innovations in the region. Global X connects different players in Europe with new partners and investment opportunities in Chile.

Program Name
Managing Entity
PROCHILE - Dirección de Promoción de Exportaciones
Support Line
Tools – Build/Growth
General Description
Program that supports the internationalization process of Chilean startups and scaleups that have scalability potential worldwide. With this business soft landing, ProChile and Corfo prepare companies and entrepreneurs to globalize their businesses in the markets of Peru, Colombia, Mexico and the United States (Miami).

Program Name
Marcas sectoriales
Managing Entity
PROCHILE - Dirección de Promoción de Exportaciones
Support Line
Tools – Build/Growth
General Description
Program that strengthens the positioning of Chilean export sectors in the world, through the creation, design and implementation of representative brands in each area, which enhance Chile's image abroad through the development of marketing campaigns. Sectorial branding is the creation and implementation of a brand that is representative of a certain national productive sector, with the aim of penetrating international markets and enhancing the image of that sector and Chile abroad.

Programs: 13

Program Name
Managing Entity
FIA - Fundación para la Innovación Agraria
Support Line
Linking to innovate
General Description
A network of contacts made up of public institutions, academia and technical training centres, technology centres, service providers, accelerators, incubators, trade unions, consulting companies, etc., with a territorial view of the innovation sector and the forestry and agricultural sector.

Program Name
Base Nacional de Proyectos de Innovación Agraria
Managing Entity
FIA - Fundación para la Innovación Agraria
Support Line
Information and strategic surveillance platforms
General Description
Database containing information on various innovation projects in the agri-food and forestry sector, implemented with the support of different national agencies.

Program Name
Biblioteca digital
Managing Entity
FIA - Fundación para la Innovación Agraria
Support Line
Information and strategic surveillance platforms
General Description
Platform that houses documents and digital information generated by FIA within the framework of its projects, programmes and actions for the promotion of innovation in the agri-food and forestry sector.

Program Name
Servicio de Capacitación
Managing Entity
FIA - Fundación para la Innovación Agraria
Support Line
Development of capabilities to innovate
General Description
FIA offers a battery of thematic courses framed in areas of knowledge demanded by the forestry and agricultural sector, around the cycle of innovation and entrepreneurship in schoolchildren, young people and adults linked to the sector. This training service seeks to provide teaching-learning opportunities, aimed at developing competencies in those actors in the sector, to encourage and support the development and/or adoption of innovations in the strategic guidelines defined by FIA.

Program Name
Consultorías para la innovación
Managing Entity
FIA - Fundación para la Innovación Agraria
Support Line
Drive to innovate
General Description
Support for the development of advice from national and international experts for the resolution of problems/opportunities around the innovation process faced by a group of companies and/or associations of producers in the national forestry and agricultural sector and/or the associated agri-food chain.

Program Name
Estudios para la innovación
Managing Entity
FIA - Fundación para la Innovación Agraria
Support Line
Drive to innovate
General Description
Support for carrying out studies aimed at solving problems and/or addressing opportunities in the technological and/or market fields, to facilitate the innovation processes of groups of companies and/or producer associations that have a common interest and are part of the national forestry and agricultural sector and/or the associated agri-food chain. These innovative projects must contribute to the solution of one of the strategic challenges of the agricultural sector defined by FIA.

Program Name
Eventos para la innovación
Managing Entity
FIA - Fundación para la Innovación Agraria
Support Line
Drive to innovate
General Description
Events for Innovation directly aims to provide financial incentives to third parties to develop innovation events that seek to disseminate information and/or innovation experiences to companies, producers and different actors linked to the innovation ecosystem of the national forestry and agricultural sector and/or the associated agri-food chain, to enable and strengthen innovation processes.

Program Name
Giras para la innovación
Managing Entity
FIA - Fundación para la Innovación Agraria
Support Line
Drive to innovate
General Description
A program that supports companies to carry out tours that allow them to learn about innovative solutions that are developed at a national or international level, and that can be applied to the reality of the national forestry and agricultural sector and/or in the associated agri-food chain.

Program Name
Proyectos de innovación de interés público
Managing Entity
FIA - Fundación para la Innovación Agraria
Support Line
Drive to innovate
General Description
Support to companies and various research institutions for the development of innovations in products, services and/or processes of free availability and use, to be transferred and/or implemented by groups of producers and/or companies in the sector. These innovative projects must contribute to the solution of one of the strategic challenges of the national agricultural sector and/or the associated agri-food chain, as defined by FIA.

Program Name
Proyectos de emprendimiento innovador Jóvenes innovadores
Managing Entity
FIA - Fundación para la Innovación Agraria
Support Line
Drive to innovate
General Description
Program that aims to train young people from different fields of knowledge, in the development and implementation of innovation projects, to later support them in the development of innovations in product, service and/or process that have an impact on the forestry and agricultural sector and/or the associated agri-food chain.

Program Name
Observatorio para la innovación agraria
Managing Entity
FIA - Fundación para la Innovación Agraria
Support Line
Information and strategic surveillance platforms
General Description
A platform that gathers the main opportunities to innovate, trends, innovation projects at the national level, news and documents. All this information probes the behavior and trends of innovation in the forestry and agricultural sector.

Program Name
Proyectos de innovación de interés privado
Managing Entity
FIA - Fundación para la Innovación Agraria
Support Line
Drive to innovate
General Description
Support to companies in the national forestry and agricultural sector and/or in the agri-food chain in the development or adoption of innovations in products, services and processes, to be marketed or implemented. These innovative projects must contribute to the solution of one of the strategic challenges of the national agricultural sector and/or the associated agri-food chain, as defined by FIA.

Program Name
Red de Innovación FIA
Managing Entity
FIA - Fundación para la Innovación Agraria
Support Line
Linking to innovate
General Description
Digital platform that seeks to be a virtual networking space for executors of FIA projects and initiatives. In addition, it promotes events, activities, information and exclusive benefits for FIA users.

Programs: 2

Program Name
Unidad Regional de Promoción y atracción de IED - Pre inversión
Managing Entity
Support Line
Pre Investment
General Description
InvestAraucanía disseminates and promotes, regionally, nationally and internationally, the value offer and investment opportunities offered by the region. In addition, it enhances local capacity to receive delegations of entrepreneurs through initiatives that improve capacities and investment climate. InvestAraucanía receives those demands that arise from investors and potential investors, which it refers to the corresponding instances according to the subject.

Program Name
Unidad Regional de Promoción y atracción de IED - Post inversión
Managing Entity
Support Line
Post Investment
General Description
InvestAraucanía provides advice to companies and investors located in the Region of La Araucanía, in local and national services and support for the promotion of production and guides in the expansion of businesses, provides aftercare services and optimizes the existing investment climate in the region.

Programs: 2

Program Name
Managing Entity
Support Line
Support capital raising
General Description
We support in a structured and in-depth way in your capital raising path, helping both in the process and connections at a local and global level.

Program Name
Programa Mentorías
Managing Entity
Support Line
Local and Global Network of Mentors
General Description
Local and global network of experts who constantly support entrepreneurs, being a complement to achieve exponential growth and future goals.

Manuel Bulnes 590 Piso 8,
Temuco, Región de La Araucanía, Chile.

Whatsapp (+56) 9 82126680
Cell phone: (+56) 9 82126680
Telephone: (56) 45 2968702
E-Mail: investaraucania@gorearaucania.cl